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  • 24 Apr 2015 19:03 | Anonymous

    IECnet, the international network of independent audit, accounting and tax practices, is pleased to announce that it has a new member in Chile. The firm, Consaudit International Auditoria & Control LTDA, which has been flourishing in Santiago since 1969 is well known for its high quality & and its dedicated team. With 32 years of existence, the firm has established strong ties with its many local & international clients in the fields of audit, tax & consulting. Consaudit International Auditoria & Control LTDA joins the pool of excellent member firms of IECnet worldwide, increasing yet further the depth of local knowledge on offer to clients.

    For more information, please go to

    IECnet Press release December 2014 – New Firm in Chile

    IECnet Press release December 2014 – New Firm in Chile- SPANISH

  • 24 Apr 2015 18:53 | Anonymous

    IECnet Press-release April 2014

    Our long-time member from Morocco, Mr. Miloud Stoti, was just elected vice-president of the “Ordre des Experts Comptables du Maroc”.

    Mr. Stoti has been a valued and active IECnet member since 1993. He was an IECnet Board member from 1995 to 2011. During his years at IECnet, he has been the IECnet Treasurer, as well as the Chairman of the Audit Committee.

    On top of his 30 years of experience in the fields of judicial and fiscal consulting, public accounting, and auditing, of being expert on Oath to the Moroccan Courts of Justice and of being a university professor, Mr. Stoti still has the time to be an active member in a number of Humanitarian and Cultural Associations.

    For more information, please go to

    IECnet Press release April 2014 – Mr. Stoti election in Morocco

  • 1 Apr 2015 15:56 | Anonymous

    Our long-time member from Morocco, Mr. Miloud Stoti, was just elected vice-president of the “Ordre des Experts Comptables du Maroc”.

    Mr. Stoti has been a valued and active IECnet member since 1993. He was an IECnet Board member from 1995 to 2011. During his years at IECnet, he has been the IECnet Treasurer, as well as the Chairman of the Audit Committee.

    On top of his 30 years of experience in the fields of judicial and fiscal consulting, public accounting, and auditing, of being expert on Oath to the Moroccan Courts of Justice and of being a university professor, Mr. Stoti still has the time to be an active member in a number of Humanitarian and Cultural Associations.

  • 24 Feb 2015 17:07 | Anonymous

    IECnet is pleased to announce that it has a new member in Spain. The firm, Morera Asesores & Auditores, has been a byword of quality in Barcelona since 1952. With more than 60 years of experience in the tax, audit & accounting fields, Morera Asesores & Auditores joins the pool of excellent member firms of IECnet worldwide, increasing yet further the depth of local knowledge on offer to clients.

    For more information, please go to

    IECnet Press release February 2014 – New Firm in Spain

  • 1 Feb 2015 13:57 | Anonymous

    IECnet adds new firm in Spain

    IECnet is pleased to announce that it has a new member in Spain. The firm, Morera Asesores & Auditores, has been a byword of quality in Barcelona since 1952. With more than 60 years of experience in the tax, audit & accounting fields, Morera Asesores & Auditores joins the pool of excellent member firms of IECnet worldwide, increasing yet further the depth of local knowledge on offer to clients.

  • 2 Oct 2013 00:19 | Anonymous

    IECnet New Chairman

    IECnet announces that Geoffrey Fletcher MBA, FCA, ROC was unanimously elected IECnet Chairman on 31st October 2013 during the AGM in Cancun, Mexico.

    Born in the UK, Geoffrey Fletcher qualified there as a Chartered Accountant and as an MBA.He held various financial management roles in multinational companies in London, Brussels, Paris and Lisbon as well as carrying out assignments around the world. In 2000 he returned to public practice and is partner at J Camilo & Associados SROC in Lisbon, Portugal. He speaks English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.

    Geoffrey Fletcher is both a registered auditor in Portugal and a tax advisor, specializing in

    personal tax returns, international tax issues and double tax treaty benefits.

    He has represented his firm at IECnet since 2005 and was a member of the PR/BD

    Committee before becoming Secretary to the Board in 2012. This October 2013, he was

    unanimously elected Chairman. During his term, Geoffrey Fletcher will work to widen and

    deepen IECnet, to ensure it remains a key player on the international scene of accountancy, tax, audit & consultancy.

  • 14 Mar 2013 01:31 | Anonymous

    Dutch Based Holding Company


    For a country to be an attractive location in which to set up a holding company some tax related criteria must be satisfied, amongst which:

    • Incoming Dividends: Incoming dividends remitted by the subsidiary to the holding company must either be exempted from or subject to low withholding tax rates in the subsidiary’s jurisdiction.
    • Dividend Income Received: Dividend income received by the holding company from the subsidiary must either be exempted from or subject to low corporate income tax rates in the holding company’s jurisdiction.
    • Capital Gains Tax on Sale of Shares: Profits realized by the holding company on the sale of shares in the subsidiary must either be exempt from or subject to a low rate of capital gains tax in the holding company’s jurisdiction.
    • Outgoing Dividends: Outgoing dividends paid by the holding company to the ultimate parent corporation must either be exempt from or subject to low withholding tax rates in the holding company’s jurisdiction.

    By these criteria Holland is a fiscally attractive jurisdiction in which to locate a holding company. Indeed the holding companies and “participation exemption rules” are one of the Netherlands most attractive features as a tax-planning centre.

    Withholding Taxes on Incoming Dividends:

    Under the terms of the EU (European Union) parent/subsidiarauditorsy directive, if a Dutch company owns 10% or more of the shares of another EU company, no withholding taxes will be levied on dividends remitted by the subsidiary.

    Where a foreign subsidiary is not covered by the EU parent/subsidiary directive the terms of a double taxation treaty will often substantially reduce the amount of withholding taxes deducted on the remittance. Dutch holding companies can rely on an extensive network of double taxation treaties the effect of which is to obtain a reduction in withholding tax rates on dividends remitted to the Netherlands from the subsidiary jurisdiction. The Netherlands has around 100 tax treaties in place. The greater a country’s network of double taxation treaties the greater its leverage to reduce withholding taxes on incoming dividends. An elaborate network of double taxation treaties is thus a key factor in the ability of a territory to develop as an attractive holding company jurisdiction.

    Corporate Income Tax on Dividend Income Received

    The general rule is that all dividend payments remitted by subsidiaries to Dutch parent corporations are subject to corporate income tax in the hands of the parent company (with tax credits being due where there is an element of double taxation). Where a Dutch holding company comes within the “participation exemption rules” all income received by the holding company from the subsidiary whether by way of dividends or otherwise is tax free. To come within the “participation exemption rules” the following criteria must be satisfied:

    5% rule: the Dutch holding company must hold at least 5% of the subsidiary’s shares. The 5% rule makes Holland a particularly attractive jurisdiction in which to base international holding companies. Similar regimes in other countries require much higher percentage shareholdings if the company is to qualify for favourable tax treatment and require that the company be a proper holding company in the sense that its sole economic activity is to hold shares in other subsidiaries. In Holland by contrast a company which trades but also happens to own shares in another corporate entity can be deemed a holding company for the purposes of the participation exemption rules.

    Applicability of EU law

    As the Netherlands is an EU Member State, companies based in the Netherlands can enjoy the benefits provided by EU law.For example, dividends, interest, and royalties from EU‐based subsidiaries can, subject to limited conditions, be paid to a Dutch parent company free of withholding tax.

    Bilateral Investment Treaties

    The Netherlands has an extensive network of around 100 Bilateral Investment Treaties (“BITs”),

    including a large number of investor friendly BITs that offer direct access to international arbitration

    as opposed to being obliged to exhaust proceedings with a local court first. The Dutch BITs

    generally offer protection for indirect investments made by a Dutch holding company through local


    Active Management: The parent company must actively involve itself in its subsidiary’s management.

    Tax Exempt Portfolio Company: The subsidiary must not be a “tax exempt portfolio investment company”.

    Expenses Incurred by Parent Corporation: The costs to the parent corporation of running the subsidiary are not deductible from the taxable profits of the parent corporation in Holland.

    Foreign Taxes: Foreign taxes paid by the subsidiary on income earned by the subsidiary can neither be credited nor debited against the taxable profits of the parent company.

    Capital Gains Tax on the Sale of Shares

    Under the participation exemption (see above), all capital gains made by a Dutch holding company on the sale of shares in a subsidiary are tax free in Holland irrespective of whether the subsidiary is resident or non resident.

    Withholding Taxes on Outgoing Dividends

    Under the EU parent/subsidiary directive dividends paid by Dutch subsidiaries to EU parent corporations are exempt from Dutch withholding taxes provided the EU parent corporation has held 10% of the shares in the Dutch subsidiary for at least 12 months. Where a foreign parent is not covered by the EU parent/subsidiary directive the terms of a double taxation treaty will often substantially reduce the amount of withholding taxes deducted on the outgoing remittance. Dutch holding companies can rely on an extensive network of double taxation treaties.The Netherlands has around 100 tax treaties in place. The greater a country’s network of double taxation treaties the greater its leverage to reduce withholding taxes on outgoing dividends. An elaborate network of double taxation treaties is thus a key factor in the ability of a territory to develop as an attractive holding company jurisdiction.

    On outgoing dividends from a Dutch company to a parent company in Denmark, the tax treaty withholding rate on dividends is 0%, based upon EU parent/subsidiary.

    Loss compensation

    Limitations now apply to the carry forward or carry back of tax losses by holding/financing companies. In essence, the tax losses which originate from a year in which the main activity of the company is the holding of shares or group financing activities may only be carried back or carried forward to tax years in which the company had or has similar activities. Both the nature of the activities and the volume of the activities (balance sheet ratios) are relevant.

    Tax reduction for expatriates (30% ruling)Highly qualified non‐Dutch employees moving to the Netherlands may request a 30% ruling, whichwill enable them to enjoy 30% of their salary taxfree. Concluding netsalary agreements can substantially reduce an employer’s salary costs. The minimum required gross income of the employee amounts to appr. Euro 51,000.

    Tax Reforms

    Some reforms were designed in the past years to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Netherlands from a tax point of view.

    Key changes included a reduction in the general corporate income tax rate to 25%. Profits below EUR200,000 are now (taxyear 2013) subject to a 20% rate, and profits above-EUR200,000 face a rate of 25%.

    In terms of withholding tax on dividends, this was reduced by 10%, from 25% to 15%.

    The participation exemption rules became more strictly observed, although the 5% requirement remained in place.

    Other provisions which came into force were:

    • New depreciation rules.
    • Restrictions on the carryback and forward of losses (to 1 year and 9 years, respectively).


    A general conclusion may be that a Dutch holding company can be very attractive for international operating concerns from a tax point of view. Except from our vast treaty network and favourable legislation, it is well possible to conclude tax rulings with the Dutch tax authorities. Agreements can be made concerning international transfer pricing matters. We have a broad experience with such negotiations.

    The Netherlands’ ruling policy is ”EU proof”, and comprises an APA (Advance Pricing Agreement)

    practice and an ATR (Advance Tax Ruling) practice. These rulings provide advance certainty

    regarding the tax consequences of certain proposed transactions as well as holding and financing


    We can be of help with the founding of a Dutch holding company. A holding can be founded on short notice, with little formalities, like a minimum of capitalization of EUR 0,01. The founding legal person(s) need to file some information like the business of the company to be incorporated, who will be the final policy maker and identification of management.

    Furthermore we offer accounting and tax services, as well as payroll services and VAT-administration. We are a member of the IEC international network of accounting, legal and tax advice firms.

    Our headoffice is located in the centre of the Netherlands.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you should want more detailed information.

    Tobi Smit

    IECnet Board member & IECnet Secretary

    vhm | audit B.V.

    Pastoor Somstraat 2 | Postbus 344 | 8160 AH EPE | THE NETHERLANDS

    T +31 578 677377 | F +31 578 621872 | M +31 622 923 069

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