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Public relations
Business development

Suan Wee Tan
PR/BD Chairman

Lorenzo Ciccioriccio
PR/BD Committee member

Redouane Stoti
PR/BD Committee member

PR/BD Committee

The Committee's main aims are to increase IECnet awareness with the member firms, their partners, staff and clients; to increase public awareness of IECnet, e.g. to potential member firms, international press, potential clients, professional organizations etc.; to assist the Executive Committee with increasing the number of lECnet members.

The Committee improves and facilitates communication between members and/or staff e.g. through IECnet’s intranet or by social media.

Hang With Us!

You can catch us at these and other exciting events we hold throughout the year.

IECnet's Foundation Day

#IECnet Day

IECnet was founded on 25th of September 1987, so we celebrate "IECnet Day" every year on that day. Every year there is a competition among our members: Who organises the most creative idea to celebrate IECnet Day? There have been IECnet cakes, IECnet presentation for employees, donations to charity in the name of IECnet and much more.

Since 2021, the winners of each IECnet Day have received trees, planted in their honour in recognition of their winning effort in promoting IECnet each year.

About This Site

IECnet - Espace Descartes – 16 Rue Albert Einstein – 77420 CHAMPS S/MARNE – FRANCE

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